Friday, 23 April 2010

3 Weeks Diet Diary: Day 1

It has always been my mission to slim down. For ages I have tried and failed with different kind of methods. The problem with me is that I am easily slipped, not catious at all. So, I have decided to do this 3 weeks diet diary. This blog will help me keep accountable to both myself and my readers. I will start with 3 weeks 1st and see how things go at the end. Okay, here are the rules.

- I will have to write down everything that I consume in this blog at the end of the day. 
- I will have to note down any excercise that I have done. 
- I will have to only eat 3 meals max, no more but can less. 
- I will have to excercise of any kind for at least 30 minutes per day.

Okay, so, I just need a little help from you guys. If you see me, remind me, "You are on diet, pal!" 

I think that is all from. 


So here is it.
Ate 2 meals, skip breakfast.
Had a plate of kueh teow with cangkuk manis
Had dinner (vegetarian) + Kari Pap + Burger

Not very good for a start day but hopefully will proceed better tml.
George, 加油!


Kelvin said...

haha, all the best

YuanHui 燕惠 said...

jia you George!!!