I am finally back in my hometown. Wee, time to relax~! But got bored after a few dayz. I started to think about life. I suddenly have this thought...
Life as a student is like having sex. You play during early of the semester. After a while, only then you start poking into the serious stuff. Then you slowly build up your rhythm but not to the fullest as you say "there is still more time". In the middle of the semester where all the assignments starts pilling up, you say "Oh, baby, why make me so hard?" But then, you accelerate because you know that it is now or never. At the climax of tension, you feel each inch of your muscle tense up and you go" This is it~! The final push~!" Woo~! After finishing the assignments with long sleepless nites, you MOAN lifelessly on the couch or on the bed like u dun ever wan to move as if had the best sex of your life. Ya, life is like making love. Tons of it... Emm...Emm...Emm....That is life through the glimpse of my hand(not actually my hand in the picture below).

Anywayz, as I was saying. I got bored eventually in this little Kampua town. With Borneo Cultural Festival here, I just grab my old rust cam and off I go. Manage to snap a few glimpse of my hometown for you all.
The following comprises of Day 1 and Day 2 of
Borneo Cultural Festival (BCF). Will report a few highlights. Enjoy~!

Lots of tents (below) were set up for vendor of all kinds to do business cause Hey, my Hometown is a money making town. Lolx.

Some of them are for performances and competitions like this Dayak musical competition with a few old champs. Well, to be frank, i still could not figure out on why woman like to bang into hard stuff. Geez...No wonder they have the major population.

Kebab" is one of the delicacy that could be found in Sarawak. It is a bun which is long with a slit to put in all the juicy meat which is stuffed hot into it with a touch of Mayonease and Ketchup. Although it bears the similar name for a Middle East dish but i can guarantee that this "
Kebab" will give you a whole new Sarawakian experience. It can be in two major flavour, Chick and Cow. And there are selling it in right here at BCF. One of the best place to get it is at somewhere near a river. Will take you there sometime.

Besides food, there are also business group who ride the train. Like EON here, I was pretty curious on which part of you that they are focusing. If they are on doing it right, oh..ya... count me in~! FYI, EON is a banking group (duh...stupid me). I wonder if "Erotic Orgy Nightclub" is the full term for EON.

In my hometown, we are made up of diverse population. We do also have a range of hot chicks. Let me introduce them to you. You can find all of them in BCF, i know i do. Lolx.
First, you have the teenager who likes to go for round town posession in black at night. These are the Nightstalkerlie. But the good thing about them is that they are so passionate about what they are doing. They are willing to walk for almost two hours for the round town posession. To be frank, these are the cream of the cream. FYI, there are from St. Elizabeth Girls School where it is a forbidden heaven for guyz. Ahh.....
Second, we have the proper attired gals. They represent almost all the ethnic groups of chinese. Why are they hot? Think for urself.
Third, we have the PROFESSIONAL MODELS who are willing to show off their culture in front of thousands.
Lastly, we have the all the lovely lady holding senior citizenship who wears pink to contrast their age. Well, it might work. One thing for sure is that they have strong hands with all the banging on the drum that they are doing during the posession. Bang waist drum as they call it is one of the oldest culture found in Chinese history. It is an art~!
There are a few different dialects spoken in my hometown. They all represents different clans which are brought to Malaysia from Mainland China or rather came to Malaysia themselves. Chinese were the early settler in Sarawak along with the British. Some evidences proposed that our Ancestor from Mainland China touch down in Sarawak even before James came to the land of Hornbills.
Sin Hua (兴化) Clan

Teochew (潮州) Clan

Hokkien (福建) Clan
represented by 漳泉公会

Foochow (福州) Clan

One of the nortorous clan in my hometown.
One of the major population too. My hometown is called Little Foochow.
The International Foochow HQ is right here.
Besides that, BCF does also display some Chinese traditional customs like the Lion Dance and the Dragon Dance. Way back in the olden days, you can only find Lion Dances in only a few times around the year. They are believed to be auspicious creatures that brings luck but does the opposite if you disrespect it.
Lion Dance (舞狮)

The Dragon Dance (舞龙)

My hometown does possesses a few nice architectures. One of it being the corridor (走廊).

Also, the tallest building where you can find it from different angle, Wisma Sanyan. Looking closer, you will find out that the building is looks like its showing its power and glory with a ever familiar middle finger display. And ya, that building contains the few most powerful people in my hometown. Its their working place. This is my hometown version of WTO.

Like I mentioned, my hometown is a diverse place for culture race and also religion. We are able to live together in harmony and peace. Look at this example. A church and temple just walk ways apart. That church is one of the oldest church in my hometown.

During this BCF, the Sibu Art Association (SAA) and Photography Society do some exhibition. When I got to know it, I was so excited. I was like "go go go" . Only through bodies like these, then can hobbist or even professional wanna be can learnt more on the skills and technique. Thanks to them~!

This picture attracts my attention at first sight is because this artist depics the real scene that you can find in the market of Sibu. Where you have the all the colourful canopies, people bargaining and goods lying all around.

This pencil drawing pictured a place where once the old jetty is. I still rememeber that place when I was small. That tree, I think still stands in that place until now. This jetty really brings back the childhood memories where you will just lean by the black and yellow bars enjoying the view of the river with no worries. Even when your mum says "dun lean, you will fail into the river" and you dun give a crap coz itz fun.

Talking about food food food, Sibu is famous for cheap food among all the major places in Sarawak. You still get a plate of Mee for RM2.00 and Teh C Peng at RM1.20. In schools, one pack of Kampua is RM0.80. There is also one delicacy which stand among the famous ones like Kampua and Kompia, that delicacy is Shou Mian (寿面). If you translate it directly, it is called Longevity Mee. In Chinese culture, Foochow in particular, Shou Mian is eaten during birthdays and big festivals like Chinese New Year. It symbolizes longevity for the family. Old people like my grandparents, like to say "dun break the mee when you eat, so the longer the mee you eat, the longer you will live". Now, I was thinking, if i were to continue eating without breaking the mee, I would have choke to death. Shou Mian originated from Foochow culture. Below is the picture of an art which can be considered near to extinction, the art of making Shou Mian.

Making Shou Mian is excruciating, you have to dry it, pull it, dry it, keep it and dry it again. All these are doing by hand. Nowadays, we have the machine to do that. But the taste and texture of hand made Shou Mian does proves its worthiness compared to machine made.
The art and photography exhibition was held in a carpark similar to one that you can find in Tokyo Drift and I was just joking.

This is a Chinese Calligraphy. When I saw this, I was thinking what word are these? I study Chinese characters before. Then, I done some research and found out that these are old old Chinese characters which was used during the Ming Dynasty where the emperor have thousand of woman. Oh, man....

When I was walking around taking my sweet time in photographing, I came across this odd looking signage. Then, after interpreting, I say "Well, luckily I am a Sony user and not Nikon" So, I proceed on taking photographs. Did I break the rules, I dun think so.

To end this post in BCF, I will show you the Malaysia Boleh and Sarawak Boleh. These men are so inspiring, they are able to take their sticks and aim it high in the air. Oh, man. They do have very long and big sticks. Each being over 10 meters long.

I hope you all enjoy this. And I will bring more of what is going around. See you next time~!